Couples Relationship Counseling

How you are experiencing your relationship with your spouse or significant other powerfully shapes your emotional and mental wellbeing, the quality of your relationship with your children, your effectiveness and overall presence as a parent, and even the quality of your performance at your workplace.
Clients who have sought Couples Counseling consistently report the following....
"I feel trapped, alone, and emotionally distanced in this relationship"
"There's no fire and passion in our relationship"
"I feel a sense of dread, when having to spend alone time together"
"Our relationship is unfulfilling, its flat-lined"
"It feels like we are roommates"
"I often ask myself “why are we still together”
Risks associated with remaining in a chronically strained intimate relationship du
When this "central" relationship is in trouble, you are at a heightened risk of depressive and or anxiety symptoms.
Chronic stress has been shown to manifest as or worsen existing medical conditions.
Further, either you or your partner are at
risk of veering outside the relationship to get
If you have experienced any (or perhaps all) of the above,, give yourself and your partner an opportunity to live your relationship more consciously. Counseling can provide help to;
Clarify your needs or “what you want to experience more of” in your relationship
Become more conscious of specific communication patterns (the dance) which barriers preventing you and your partner from having conversations with your partner around these needs
Identifying unproductive patterns of communication keeping you stuck, preventing you and your partner from experiencing your relationship potential
Clients who have sought Couples Counseling consistently report the following....
"I feel trapped, alone, and emotionally distanced in this relationship"
"There's no fire and passion in our relationship"
"I feel a sense of dread, when having to spend alone time together"
"Our relationship is unfulfilling, its flat-lined"
"It feels like we are roommates"
"I often ask myself “why are we still together”
Risks associated with remaining in a chronically strained intimate relationship du
When this "central" relationship is in trouble, you are at a heightened risk of depressive and or anxiety symptoms.
Chronic stress has been shown to manifest as or worsen existing medical conditions.
Further, either you or your partner are at
risk of veering outside the relationship to get
If you have experienced any (or perhaps all) of the above,, give yourself and your partner an opportunity to live your relationship more consciously. Counseling can provide help to;
Clarify your needs or “what you want to experience more of” in your relationship
Become more conscious of specific communication patterns (the dance) which barriers preventing you and your partner from having conversations with your partner around these needs
Identifying unproductive patterns of communication keeping you stuck, preventing you and your partner from experiencing your relationship potential